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Campus Events
CSM/Vitalant Blood Drive *one day only* Wednesday, June 28
Department / Organization: McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Be a part of something bigger than yourself ~ Wed June 28 10am to 2:30pm ~ rooms D&E in Student Center. See link for details.
TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT, please go online at and use Site Code 0059.
Save time while saving lives: donors are encouraged to complete their health history questionnaire online on the day of their donation before coming to the blood drive. Visit or for more information.
Vitalant thanks Mines for hosting the last blood drive on 4/5 & 4/6 and shares the below results:
On 4/5/23 Registered: 39 donors Collected Whole Blood Units: 34 Collected Double Red Units: 10 First Time Donors: 9
On 4/6/23 Registered: 32 Collected Whole Blood Units: 29 Collected Double Red Units: 6 First Time Donors: 10