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Academic Lectures
Complete your CAS (former H&SS) Requirement over the summer
Department / Organization: Teach@Mines
Educational Psychology and Assessment is being offered online the second session of summer courses .
SCED333/533: Educational Psychology and Assessment is a 3 credit online course held on Tuesday’s, June 24- August 15, from 4 – 5:30pm and an approved CAS (former H&SS) mid level elective. This course is designed to prepare students for either college or high school teaching. An explosive growth in research on how people learn has revealed many ways to improve teaching and catalyze learning at all ages. The purpose of this course is to present this new science of learning so that educators can creatively translate the science into exceptional practice. This course covers field-defining learning theories ranging from behaviorism to cognitive psychology to social psychology and some lesser-known theories exceptionally relevant to practice, such as arousal theory. Together the theories, evidence, and strategies can be combined endlessly to create original and effective learning plans and the means to know if they succeed. Teach@Mines offers courses, advising, and certification pathways that you can take now, to double your career options for life!