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Campus Announcements
USG First-Year Position Applications Open
Department / Organization: Undergraduate Student Government
Stop by the USG Office (Student Center - E123) and grab an elections packet to apply for candidacy today!
Interested in getting involved on campus as a first-year? Undergraduate Student Government is a great way to represent your peers to make a positive change on campus.
Our first senate meeting of the year is TONIGHT (8/29) at 5pm in MZ235, followed by a Q+A with current representatives to answer questions about how to get involved.
There are currently 4 first-year positions open (3 representatives and 1 class president). To run for a position, you must submit an Elections Packet and acquire 50 signatures by September 6th. Elections Packets are available outside the USG Office in the Student Center across from the SAIL office (E123). These packets will also have more details on how to get involved and how to run for the upcoming first-year election.