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Every Oredigger
Sober Events for National Recovery Month!
Department / Organization: Student Wellness Promotion
In recovery? Sober curious? Join Mines for Recovery and Awareness and/or participate in special events hosted by The Phoenix.
Check out the following events hosted by local partner The Phoenix. Find out more info and RSVP at
RecoveryXpo! Recovery resource fair and social on the Auraria Campus. Live DJ, food, drinks, resources, community, and more! September 17, 11am - 2pm at Tivoli Turnhalle on Auraria Campus, 900 Auraria Pkwy.
Rally for Recovery Pre-Party: The Rally for Recovery brings thousands to the Capitol on the 21st. The night before, on the 20th, we are producing the Rally for Recover Pre-Party to kick off the weekend. Live DJ, food, alc-free beverages, and sign making for the rally march. September 20, 6-9pm at The Phoenix, 2239 Champa St.
Sober Open Mic Night: Performances ranging from music, comedy, and poetry. With 100+ in attendance, this is the big stage of open mics in Denver! September 26, 7-9 pm at FREE Recovery Community, 2122 S Lafayette St.
Also, student-led Mines for Recovery and Awareness is gauging interest for this upcoming semester's weekly meetings. Please complete the form at to be included on an email or GroupMe list. This group is for students only.