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Campus Announcements
Residence Hall Challenge
Department / Organization: Sustainability
The event challenges students living on campus in residence halls to conserve energy
The annual Residence Energy Challenge hosted by Mines Sustainability and Residential Life challenges students living on campus in residence halls to conserve energy throughout the fall semester! Check your residence hall digital boards for more details and prizes.
Saving Energy Tips
•Open your shades for natural light when indoors •Turn off lights when you leave ANY room (e.g. bathroom, the shower, common rooms and classrooms).
•Turn off ALL appliances (e.g. space heaters, stereos, printers) when not in use. •Clean the dryer filter before using dryer - Hang drying on a hanger saves more energy.
•Set your computer monitor to sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity. Screen savers do not save energy. •Turn off computers & monitors when not in use for an hour or more.
Heating and Cooling
•Use the thermostat rather than the window to control the room temperature. If your thermostat doesn’t work let someone know.
Water (It takes energy to move water!)
•Turn off the water while brushing your teeth until need more. •Only wash full loads of clothes. •Take shorter showers. EPA recommends 5 minutes or less. •Do not use the shower to steam wrinkles out of your clothes. •Do not use toilets as a trash can. •Wash dishes in the kitchen sinks rather than the bathroom to prevent drain clogs. •Check for and report leaks and drips in sinks, showers, and toilets.