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Employee and Benefits News
HR is offering three learning and development opportunities.

Department / Organization: HR

These learning opportunities are focused on career growth, critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills.

These learning opportunities are in-person and are offered every quarter.

1. Engage in Respectful and Inclusive Interactions: 10/14/24, 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Topics include:
The value of professionalism at Mines
How we can reach for higher levels of professionalism
How we can improve our communication to ensure our messages are received as intended and make a positive impact
How to respond to unprofessional interactions

2. Building Skills to Promote Employee Success: 11/14/24, 9:30-12:00pm

Topics include:
Creating an effective onboarding plan
Setting clear performance expectations, monitoring performance, and providing timely feedback
Learning to empathize when working with employees who are not performing at their best

3. Essential Workplace Conversations: 12/5/24, 9 - 11am
Difficult conversations in the workplace are common, however, initiating and engaging in those conversations can be challenging for many. Learn how making small, strategic adjustments in your communication will lead to more effective and productive conversations. Through class discussion and practice scenarios, you will learn techniques to initiate, and successfully complete difficult conversations.

To attend this course, please use this link to enroll in the class. https://www.mines.edu/human-resources/employee-labor-relations-training/

For more information, send email to: learn_and_develop@mines.edu

Published in Digest Date: Monday, October 7, 2024