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Athletics and Rec Sports
The ORC is Hiring! Applications due November 13th!
Department / Organization: Outdoor Rec Center
The ORC is looking for trip leaders and rental center staff for the coming Spring semester!
Trip Leader: What are your outdoor skills? Would you like to expand them a bit? This is your space to do so! We lead trips in fall and spring such as rock climbing, ice climbing, backpacking, back country skiing/boarding, hiking, mountain biking, snow-shoeing etc. If you have experience/are interested in any of these activities, email us now! Some positions require certain certifications so be sure to ask about those and how/when you can get certified so that you can start leading trips as soon as possible!
Rental Center: Interested in assisting student costumers with the correct gear to set them up for success when exploring the grand outdoors right in Golden's backyard? Reach out today for info on expectations, qualifications and hours!
Applications are due November 13th! Email for more information about each position and for an application.