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Campus Events
December Grads: Join the Order of the Engineer on Nov 21
Department / Organization: Mines Foundation
Join host Paul Johnson, President Emeritus John Trefny and distinguished alumni for our fall induction ceremony.
The Order of the Engineer is an international, honorary engineering society that was first formed in the U.S. in 1970. Membership in the Order represents a solemn obligation to oneself to uphold devotion to the standards and the dignity of the engineering profession.
Mines’ chapter was established in 1983 and currently boasts thousands of alumni members. Membership is voluntary and requires a one-time $20 registration fee which includes a membership certificate and a stainless steel ring to be worn on the small finger of the working hand, a symbol of the unity and spirit of the engineering industry. Guests of inductees and alumni who are already members of the Order may attend at no charge.
We invite all December graduates and any Mines alumni or faculty members who have not had the opportunity to join the Order previously to become a part of this prestigious community. Alumni of other accredited engineering colleges/universities are also welcome to join. Dress code is business casual; no jeans or t-shirts, please. Per national Order of the Engineer guidelines, in-person attendance is required.