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Campus Announcements
Spring STEM Teaching Electives for CAS/HASS credit!
Department / Organization: UHSP
Mines offers a minor in STEM Education and a Masters in STEM Education for K-12 Math, Science, and Comp. Sci., Scholarships!
K-12 FIELD EXPERIENCE & BUILDING STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS (1-3 credits) SCED262/562- Experience a classroom setting and and explore the benefits and challenges of modern K-12 education.
CAS/HASS 300-level elective! EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND ASSESSMENT SCED333/533 - Learn about the new science of learning that can be translated into exceptional teaching.
CAS/HASS 300-level elective! DYNAMIC TEACHING: Motivation, Classroom Management, Differentiation of Instruction SCED363/563 - Learn to teach in powerful ways that help ensure all students can learn.
CS Elective! COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHING TECHNIQUES CSED435/535 - Learn CS-targeted instructional and pedagogical approaches for sparking curiosity in students.
MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES & THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF MATH MAED405/505 - Learn to promote students’ math identity and understanding of mathematical practices.
CAS/HASS 400-level elective! SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES VS. ENGINEER. DESIGN & THE NATURE OF SCIENCE SCED415/515 - Integrate the nature of science, scientific practices, and engineering design into your teaching.