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Academic Lectures
AMS Colloquium: Dr. Chenlu Shi on 11/15 at 3pm in CH143
Department / Organization: AMS
Space-Filling Designs for Computer Experiments
Abstract: Computer simulations are essential tools for studying complex systems across various fields in natural and social sciences. However, the complexity of the models behind these simulations often leads to high computational costs. A useful approach to address this is to build a statistical surrogate model based on a set of data generated by running a computer model - computer experiment. Space-filling designs are widely recognized as effective designs for such experiments. This talk will provide an overview of space-filling designs, with a focus on a specific type known as strong orthogonal arrays. These designs are particularly attractive due to their space-filling properties in lower-dimensional projections of the input space. We will introduce this class of designs and share our recent advancements in this area.
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