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Campus Events
Feeling Overwhelmed? Want to get in under control? Join Us
Department / Organization: Counseling Center
The Counseling Center can help you learn these skills in our Friday group,"From Overwhelmed to Under Control" Starting 01/24
This is an on-going group that meets weekly at 12pm, on Fridays is designed to help students learn healthy coping skills to effectively manage relationships, emotions, and distress. Starting on January 24th, 2025.
The four re-occuring themes of the group are: 1) Mindfulness: How to Live Life in the Now 2) Interpersonal Effectiveness: How to Keep, Maintain, and Improve Relationships 3) Emotional Regulation How to Cope with Feelings and Engage in Self-Care 4) Distress Tolerance: How to effectively Manage Stress and/ or Crises.
If you think this group might be for you, please go to Counseling.Mines.Edu to schedule a phone consult and learn about the in-person screening that is required before joining the group. Students can also call the counseling Center at 303-273-3377 for more information about how to join this group.