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Campus Events
McBride Honors Program Open House
Department / Organization: McBride Honors Program
Curious about the McBride Honors Program? Come talk to McBride students and faculty at our open house!
Are you interested in interdisciplinary learning, creative explorations, and deep discussions about the complexities of our world? Do you want to engage in differing perspectives and important narratives? Are you seeking a deeper and broader academic experience?
If so, find out more about McBride and our signature interdisciplinary humanities classes designed by dedicated faculty specifically for the program. Also, learn about the distinctive practicum experience that allows students to construct their own learning adventure according to their interests and passions. Finally, discover more about the close-knit community of students, faculty, alumni, and staff that characterizes the McBride experience.
Drop by our open house to learn more!
WHEN: Monday, January 13th, 4:00-6:00PM Tuesday, January 14th, 8:00-10:00AM Thursday, January 23rd, 5:00-7:00PM Friday, January 24th, 8:00-10:00AM
WHERE: University Honors & Scholars House at 1704 Illinois Street