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Campus Events
Energy Tech Up - National Business Plan Competition
Department / Organization: McNeil Center for E&I
Prize pot of over $485 K for great ideas. Low bar to entry - 200 words that explain your idea.
This is an IDEAS COMPETITION (intersection between business and emerging energy technologies) Goals: - To build engagement between colleges, universities, Dept. of Energy, national labs, and industry - To inspire others on the potential of leveraging energy technologies - To increase commercialization and help launch careers - To support and improve energy technology education across the U.S Student Track: a. Interest Registry Form (*Registration DEADLINE: Feb. 3, 2025) Create brief summary (*200 words required for registration) Form teams Explore technologies b. Regional Competition (*March 4-6, 2025) Teams present live Finalists will each receive $5,000 to move forward c. National Competition (April 30th in Denver) 1st Place: $50,000 2nd Place: $35,000 3rd Place: $25,000 Bonus Prize: $20,000 (up to 10 technology, undergrad-only, and National Lab IP Licensing) *Students DO NOT need a startup or IP *Students are evaluated based on plan quality
A few quick timelines to consider, for the student competition: Registration deadline is February 3rd 200-word proposal. Regional Competition via zoom is March 6th National Competition live pitch, Denver, Colorado, April 30th
Helpful Webinar January 23 at 11 am MST -