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Campus Announcements
Undergrad Research Opportunity in Computer Science Education
Department / Organization: Computer Science
The Creating Young Innovators project is seeking two motivated undergrad students to join our team in paid positions.
The Creating Young Innovators project is seeking two motivated undergraduate students from Colorado School of Mines to join an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. This collaborative initiative between the University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, and Aurora Public School District focuses on creating meaningful computing experiences for elementary students using the micro:bit. Students will have the opportunity to design their own research projects, exploring the computer science aspects, the educational aspects, or a combination of both. Any student who has completed at least CS128 is eligible to apply. We are looking for students who can commit ~10 hours a week this semester with the opportunity to continue working on this project over the summer and/or during the next academic year. Complete the linked form to apply and contribute to advancing K-12 computer science education! If you have any questions, please contact Alex Chakarov,