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Campus Events
Upcoming Seminar: "What is Copyright?"
Department / Organization: Undergraduate Research
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
You're invited to attend an upcoming Emerging Scholar Seminar on Wednesday, January 15th from 4-4:50PM in Boettcher Room, Arthur Lakes Library, titled "What is Copyright?"
“Can I use other people’s figures in my research paper?” “If I publish in Mines Undergraduate Research Journal “Reuleaux,” can I also publish the same data in another research journal?” “What are the different types of copyright?” If you’ve ever had a question about how copyright works relative to the research world, this seminar is for you. This seminar on “What is copyright?” facilitated by Seth Vuletich, Mines’ Scholarly Communications Librarian, introduces attendees to copyright considerations as they relate to publishing as an undergraduate researcher.
This event is part of the Emerging Scholar Seminar Series, which offers biweekly seminars on various topics of interest to undergraduate student researchers at Mines. Any interested undergraduate students are encouraged to attend these free, biweekly seminars