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Campus Events
How to Discuss Research Experience with Employers (Seminar)
Department / Organization: Undergraduate Research
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
You're invited to attend an upcoming Emerging Scholar Seminar on Tuesday, January 21st from 12-12:50PM in Green Center 200F titled "How to Discuss your Research Experience with Industry Employers"
Undergraduate research provides the opportunity to develop important technical and human skills that are highly valued by employers. To best highlight these skillsets, it’s essential to know how to effectively discuss your research experience with industry employers. In this workshop, Katy Armstrong, Associate Director of Career & Professional Development in the Mines’ Career Center, will discuss tips and strategies for highlighting your research experiences, achievements, and skills in conversations with employers.
This event is part of the Emerging Scholar Seminar Series, which offers biweekly seminars on various topics of interest to undergraduate student researchers at Mines. Any interested undergraduate students are encouraged to attend these free, biweekly seminars