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Campus Events
Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Department / Organization: HASS
Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer - FRIDAY MEETING
Robin Wall Kimmerer is a MacArthur Fellowship recipient, award-winning author, and the director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. In advance of her April visit to Mines, we invite you to join one of two casual book clubs which will focus on her books Braiding Sweetgrass and Serviceberry. The book clubs will meet on the first Wednesdays and Fridays at every month til then (starting Wed Feb 5 at 11 and Friday Feb 7 at 1pm ) in the Labriola Atrium. In the first meeting, we’ll talk about Dr. Kimmerer’s work broadly and the chapter “The Gift of Strawberries” (which many may remember reading in NHV).
You can access Braiding Sweetgrass through the Mines Library at: