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Campus Events
Community Engagement Opportunities in Colombia - Monday 2/10
Department / Organization: EDS
You are INVITED to an info session on community engagement opportunities in Colombia, presented by Professor Juan Lucena
You are INVITED to an information session on community engagement opportunities in Colombia, presented by Professor Juan Lucena:
Monday, Feb 10th 4PM McNeill 213 Free Pizza while it lasts
Colombia presents one of the most unique and interesting cases to rethink development and offers innumerable opportunities for engineering faculty and students to build their global competencies while serving the country’s most vulnerable communities.
Come learn how Mines faculty and students can get involved with different kinds of opportunities (projects, trips, courses, research, etc.) and for different lengths of time (week, month, semester, etc.). Most of these activities can happen virtually, in-country, or both, making traveling to Colombia a desirable option, but not required. In this session we will showcase specific examples of community empowerment in the areas of ?urban mining? (reusing valuable materials from waste), technologies for accessibility, and artisanal mining, to name a few.
For questions, please contact Professor Lucena at