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Academic Lectures
ConE PoP Candidate Lecture by Vitalis Eseonu
Department / Organization: CEE Department
"Safety and Accident Prevention on Industrial Construction Sites" Monday, 2/24, 2:00 pm in Green Center 224
Please join us for the Construction Engineering Professor of Practice Candidate Academic Lecture by Vitalis Eseonu.
ABSTRACT: Safety and incident reports are typical key performance indicators of a construction project, in addition to project final costs, schedule and quality. An industrial construction site is a hazardous environment, with activities exhibiting risks that can result in accidents, injuries and fatalities. Effective implementation of safety measures will reduce the incidence of site accidents and improve workers’ wellbeing as well as optimize productivity. This material is intended for graduating students of civil and construction engineering to refresh their memories on their previous training in this subject. The lecture will present the major triggers of accident on site from unsafe acts and unsafe conditions’ perspectives, aimed at bringing safety awareness and proper understanding of behaviors and actions that constitute unsafe acts and unsafe conditions on construction sites to the classroom. The material will further explore site safety implementations and accident prevention measures, comprising robust safety site protocols, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), workers engagement and training, regulatory compliance, safety culture and regular risk assessments.