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Employee and Benefits News
HR is offering Building Skills to Promote Employee Success
Department / Organization: HR
This learning opportunity is focused on career growth, critical thinking, and communication skills.
Building Skills to Promote Employee Success: Part I- 4/4/25 10:00 to 11:30am & Part II- 4/11/25 10:00 to 11:30am Attend these in any order.
As supervisors you are expected to manage complex interactions with your team. The complexity is increased further with hybrid work schedules, ever changing employment law landscapes and no two situations being the same.
Part I- Tools and resources to establish a framework and culture that sets you and your employees up for success. Part II- Walk through some real-life examples of potential disruptions in the workplace and what steps you can take to course correct.
Topics include, but are not limited to: • Creating an effective onboarding plan • Setting clear performance expectations, monitoring performance, and providing timely feedback • Learning to effectively address disruptions in the workplace and maintain a positive work environment