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Digest Home Page for
Friday, February 14, 2025
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Closures and Outages
Employee and Benefits News
Important Deadlines
Campus Announcements
Campus Events
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
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Athletics and Rec Sports
Every Oredigger
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Friday, February 14, 2025
Employee and Benefits News
Q&A Session for Healthcare Premium Co-Share
You are invited to attend a session hosted by Finance and HR leadership about the Mines healthcare premium co-share.
Campus Announcements
2/20 Grad Workshop: Tapping Into Your Creativity (On Zoom)
This workshop by Roel Snieder explores harnessing creativity to innovate, focusing on habits, collaboration, and constraints
E-Days Packet pre-sale open NOW!
Buy your E-Days Packets now before prices increase!
Rearrange Your Trailhead Cards to Access the Info You Need
Locked cards in Trailhead will be unlocked on Feb. 17, allowing you to rearrange them as you see fit.
We need your help to review scholarship applications!
We need YOU to help review scholarship applications for incoming students this fall. Click the link for more details!
Campus Events
Celebrate Valentine's Day w/ Peer Ed! (11AM-3PM @ the SRC)
Peer Education will be promoting self love among Mines students. FREE Valentine's Day Treats will be given out at the table!
Come make a movie in ONE NIGHT on Friday the 28th!
Come join MLT and Filmmakers to write and record a short film in just one night! Snacks and equipment provided!
Craft & Sip at the Mines Museum is TOMORROW!
Grab a drink, explore our exhibits, and make your own geode cheese board!
Dealing With Anxiety? Join Our 3-Part Skills Group!
The Anxiety Toolbox group (Starts 2/21 at 9:00 am) focuses on building skills for understanding and managing anxiety.
Free Coffee & Snacks from Blaster's Basket
Join Blaster's Basket staff for FREE coffee (9-11am) & snacks (2-4pm) & learn more about the food pantry & food resources.
Girl Scouts on Maple Plaza from 11 to 12:30pm today!
Come purchase your favorite Girl Scout cookies from Troop 68161!
MEP Formal -- Happening Tonight from 6p-9p.
Dress up in formal attire and join us for a night of snacks, drinks, and most importantly dancing. Bring a friend.
Mines Museum Valentine's Day Popup LAST CHANCE!!
Did you procrastinate this year? We've got you covered! Shop for unique Valentine's Day gifts for your special someone :)
No Valentine's Day Plans? Swing Dance Lesson TONIGHT 6PM
Learn to swing dance with Mines Ballroom at 6PM in Isaacs Room in SRC. No experience or partner necessary!
Sign Up Now for Workplace Behavioral Health Workshop, Feb 28
In-person workshop where mental health professionals share techniques for wellbeing in the workplace. Food & beverage served!
Waltz Ball TOMORROW NIGHT 6PM @ Friedhoff, Green Center
Come learn to waltz with Mines Ballroom! No experience or partner necessary! Enjoy lessons, performances, dancing, & snacks.
West Coast Swing Lesson TOMORROW, 12PM @ Isaacs Room, SRC
Come learn how to West Coast Swing with a professional instructor! No experience or partner necessary!
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
Take the Spring Career Days survey for your chance to WIN!
We want to hear from you! Take the quick Career Days survey by March 14th for your chance to win a prize.
Club Meetings
Fencing Club Meeting Saturday 10:00-12:00am in the Rec Gym
Join us for some casual fencing. Our meetings are open to everyone. No equipment or experience needed!
Academic Lectures
Climate Seminar: Fri, Feb. 21 @ 10am | Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper
Climate Series - "Sea-crets of the Climate" - Student Center Ballroom C
Athletics and Rec Sports
Thursday, February 20th - Mines Basketball Annual Rock the Lock Game!
No car this ski season? Here's what you can do instead
Getting to the mountains doesn’t have to feel like a double-black diamond. Shuttles, trains, apps - check out our website.
Spring 2025 ORC Climbing Competition
Don't miss this semester's climbing competition held at the ORC wall in the SRC with prizes, t-shirts, and a mini campus comp
The ORC is closed Monday Feb 17th and Tuesday Feb 18th
The ORC will not be open on Monday and Tuesday the 17th and 18th of February in observance of president's day break
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Closures and Outages
Labriola InnoHub Closed Saturday, 2/15 thru Tuesday, 2/18!
Labriola InnoHub will be closed over President's Day Weekend, Saturday 2/15 to Tuesday, 2/18. Will reopen on Wednesday, 2/19.
Employee and Benefits News
Q&A Session for Healthcare Premium Co-Share
You are invited to attend a session hosted by Finance and HR leadership about the Mines healthcare premium co-share.
Important Deadlines
Clubs/Orgs: Submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo!
Attention all Clubs/Orgs!! The deadline to submit your Prospector Yearbook Photos is February 14th!
McBride Honors Program Application Deadline: 2/14
We are currently accepting applications for the McBride 2026 cohort. Submit your application by Friday February 14th, 11:59PM
Order Your Prospector Yearbook Today!
Preserve this year's highlights and memories while helping guarantee every senior gets a free yearbook at graduation!
Spring '25 Graduates: Submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo!
Graduating in the Spring? The deadline to submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo is February 14th!
Submit your abstract to GRADS by THIS FRIDAY 2/14 at 5PM!
Abstract submissions are up for GRADS - Mines' premier graduate research symposium! Learn more:
Campus Announcements
Do you love your Mines Library? Show your library some love!
Tag us on your Socials or email us why you love your library to win a library t-shirt! email:
Need research help? Can't find a resource? Click here!
Use the Library's “Ask a Librarian” virtual research service (responds typically within an hour) Sun PM thru Fri AM.
Campus Events
Blaster Beanie Baby Giveaway for Mines Peer Listening
Need to talk? We’re here for you. The first 10 people to schedule a Peer Listening meeting will get a blaster beanie baby.
Celebrate Valentine's Day with the PMCA!
Join the Parent Mines Community Alliance this Friday at the Spruce Treehouse from 9-11 AM for a casual meetup!
Chipotle Fundraiser - Support Mines Without Borders
Stop by and eat or order from Chipotle this Saturday at the Union Blvd. location! Please bring or show flyer from link.
Critically Acclaimed Guitarist Performing on Campus Tonight
Masakazu Ito, a critically acclaimed concert guitarist and a HASS professor, is performing on Campus tonight at 7PM
Free Valentines Day Hot Chocolate!
Join Tau Beta Pi on Valentines for some free hot chocolate! Stop by between 8:15-10:45 in the Student Center Atrium.
Gilman Scholarship Information Session
A session about the Gilman Scholarship, that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad.
Innov8x YMCA of the Rockies Choose Your Challenge- $5k pot
Feb.20th, 4 pm, McNeil Hall 313 for Problem Framing session. AI or Sustainability will be focus areas. Join us!
Study with Buddies
Want a new place to study or looking for new people to study with? Join us for study with buddies! Tutors will be available!
The Royal Waltz Ball is this Saturday, 2/15!
The Royal Waltz Ball is in Friedhoff Hall this Saturday Feb 15, from 6-10pm. There will be performances, lessons, and snacks!
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
Join the Administrative Professionals Group Today
All Mines Employees Are welcome to Join The Administrative Professionals Group
Club Meetings
ASCE Meeting Friday 2/14 at 12PM – Hill Hall 202
Come learn more about ASCE and Kimley Horn. Food will be served.
Make Birdhouses with Circle is happening TONIGHT!
Join us at 6pm in Brown W375 tonight to make Birdhouses for Fresh Check Day!
WEE Galentines Coloring Event
Today! Join women in EE for a coloring event in BBW250 from 5-6pm on Thursday, February 13th!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Important Deadlines
Technology Fee Call for Proposals: Fall 2025
It's time to submit Technology Fee proposals for fall 2025 funding! Proposals are due by 11:59PM MT, March 3, 2025.
Campus Announcements
E-Days Packet pre-sale open NOW!
Buy your E-Days Packets now before prices increase!
New books available today through GeoScienceWorld!
Access to books, journals, maps, conference papers, etc. focused on geological and earth sciences from your Mines Library!
Nominate a Student for the Undergraduate Student Government!
Do you know a student who would be an awesome member of the Undergraduate Student Government? Please fill out this form.
Tomorrow - Grad Workshop: IP and Copyright (On Zoom)
Learn to navigate IP laws as creators & users of information, including reuse of copyrighted material in your theses
Campus Events
Becoming a Competitive Applicant: Letters of Rec
Attendees will come away with the understanding of how they can get the most out of their letters of recommendation.
Becoming a Competitive Applicant: Statement of Purpose
In this workshop, Ashley Weibel shares strategies for writing effective statements of purpose.
Craft & Sip at the Mines Museum is this Saturday!
Bring a friend or special someone (or yourself!) for an evening of crafting, drinks, and after-hours time at the Museum!
FAFSA Help! Are you having issues with your FAFSA?
Financial Aid has drop-in hours on Wed, Feb 19, 10am-2pm, Student Center Energy Room. Bring your laptop! FAFSA Deadline 4/1.
Fiber Friends Meeting
Do you knit, crochet, etc.? Ever considered trying? Join Fiber Friends - a fiber arts group for all levels!
FSL Prom Swap
We are collecting gently used formal wear, including dresses, suits, accessories, shoes, and any other formal attire.
FSL Study Night and You are Invited!
This event is open to Campus! Come Study with us on February 26th @ 6:30 P.M in Brown W210.
Mines Hillel: Tu B'Shvat on Campus
Join us on 2/13, 6-8 pm for Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish New Year for the Trees! Free dinner, tree trivia, and fundraising for JNF!
Professional Development Lunch and Presentation: March 5
Join SWE, WMCA, and EMPOWER for this informative Lunch and Learn!
Register for This Friday's Graduate Writing Group on Feb 14
Grab some coffee and work on your fellowship, thesis, conference paper or any type of project at the Writing Center.
Study With Buddies
Want a new place to study or looking for new people to study with? Join us for study with buddies! Tutors will be available!
Upcoming seminar:"How to Get the Most Out of Letters of Rec"
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
Upcoming seminar:"Navigating the Mentor/Mentee Relationship"
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
Webinar - Managing Methane: Technology and Markets - today
Payne Institute presents Managing Methane: Technology and Markets in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
Check out career events and other happenings in February
Career Days survey, new staff introductions and upcoming events in this month's Career Center newsletter
Save the Date: Medical Mixer on March 4th!
Interested in the field of medicine? Attend this mixer to learn from medical students and professionals!
Take the Spring Career Days survey for your chance to WIN!
We want to hear from you! Take the quick Career Days survey by March 14th for your chance to win a prize.
TODAY I Dig Money Lunch n' Learn: Salary Smarts
Enjoy free lunch while learning tips and tricks for negotiating your first job offer
Club Meetings
Archery Dodgeball Hosted by Mines FCA
On February 23rd from 6:00-7:15 PM Mines FCA will be hosting Archery Dodgeball for free. DM Mines FCA for more information
Come Try the Martial Art of Brazilian Capoeira!
Come join us in training Capoeira! It combines strength, flexibility & fluidity. We meet Mon 4:30 & Thur 7:30 in Alderson230!
Fencing Club Meeting Tonight 6:00-8:00pm in Brown W210
Join us for some casual fencing. Our meetings are open to everyone. No equipment or experience needed!
Make Birdhouses with Circle K
Join us at 6pm in Brown W375 this Thursday 2/13 to make Birdhouses for Fresh Check Day!
Mines Sustainable Fashion Club Valentines Upcycling
Join Mines Sustainable Fashion for a Valentines Upcycling Workshop on Thursday, February 13th from 5 pm - 7 pm in McNeil 216.
Academic Lectures
CBE Shell Seminar Series–Rachel Getman,Ohio State University
Dr. Getman, presents Solvation Thermodynamics at Liquid-Solid Interfaces:The Remarkable Contributions and Origins of Entropy
Every Oredigger
Gift of Life - Help cure blood cancer!
Interested in saving lives? Stop by the Gift of Life table on Wednesday(2/12) and Thursday(2/13) from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Employee and Benefits News
Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony Invitation
Human Resources and Ace Council are pleased to invite you to this year’s Classified Employee Recognition Breakfast.
Important Deadlines
Clubs/Orgs: Submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo!
Attention all Clubs/Orgs!! The deadline to submit your Prospector Yearbook Photos is February 14th!
Order Your Prospector Yearbook Today!
Preserve this year's highlights and memories while helping guarantee every senior gets a free yearbook at graduation!
Submit your abstract to GRADS by THIS FRIDAY 2/14 at 5PM!
Abstract submissions are up for GRADS - Mines' premier graduate research symposium! Learn more:
Campus Announcements
ENERGY: learn more about energy issues, on and off campus
Sign up for an e-mail list to learn about energy-related programs, lectures, job opportunities, conferences, and more.
January Policy Updates
See what's new from January!
Know before you GO! Is there space at the library right now?
Download Waitz (or click here to visit the website) & select Mines. Sensors provide real time data on places to study!
New Parking and Fleet Operations Manager
Marc Parenteau has been promoted to Parking and Fleet Manager
SAIL Grants For All Students Are Now Opened! Apply Now!
Student Grant is now available to support projects that foster connection and student wellness
Campus Events
Build Your Communication and Networking Confidence!
VIP is excited to host our 4th Annual Professional Development Symposium next month!
Concrete Hearts!
Make and decorate your own (free!) concrete heart in Maple plaza! Hearts will be ready for pick-up by Valentine's Day.
Cookie Decorating & Research Info. Session with SWiC
Join SWiC for an evening of cookie decorating and pizza while you learn how to get involved in undergraduate research
Critically Acclaimed Guitarist Performing on Campus (Feb 13)
Masakazu Ito, a critically acclaimed concert guitarist and a HASS professor, is performing on Campus this Thursday, Feb 13
Explore Cutting-Edge Research Techniques with SIF Experts
Join SIF technical experts for in-depth discussions on techniques and instrument capabilities. REGISTER by Feb 28!
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfast: 2/28
Come by the MZ Atrium on 2/28 from 8-9:30 am for free breakfast from Order of Omega!
Free Date Night RSVP due TODAY! MZ Atrium 2/13 6:30-8:30pm
RSVP with the link above by TODAY! Bring a romantic partner or a friend to have a free Italian dinner with fun activities!
Funded Study Abroad Opportunities
Join us for a presentation on opportunities to get funding towards your plans to study, research, and work abroad.
Lunar New Year Celebration
RSVP to celebrate the Year of the Snake with traditional New Year dishes, lion dance performance, and fun activities.
TODAY! Limitless Leaders presents Emily Calandrelli
“The Space Gal” joins us for an hour-long keynote presentation and audience Q&A!
Upcoming Seminar:"Best Practices Working with Grad Students"
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
Club Meetings
Are you a leader interested in space? Join WoAA's board!
Want to help advance women in aerospace? Curious about getting involved in leadership? Join become a WoAA officer!
International Society of Explosives Engineers
Hear from Orica environmental specialist Troy Kinch talk about their day-in-the-life. Open to all majors!
Mines Without Borders
Meeting today in McNeil 214 @ 6pm! Come join one of our international or domestic humanitarian projects!
Every Oredigger
Feb Lunch Bunch: A look at energy jobs in the future
Learn how Mines is positioning students to make an impact on the most complex challenges the world has ever faced.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Employee and Benefits News
Corebridge 1:1 Financial Planning Meetings for all employees
Meetings with Corebridge Financial, our MDCP & 403b administrator, to answer questions about financial planning.
Campus Announcements
Chunch Tuesday
Free home cooked meal at Calvary Church
E-Days Packet pre-sale open NOW!
Buy your E-Days Packets now before prices increase!
Earn a $10 giftcard and help research in robotics and AR!
Parcitipate in a MIRRORLab study by interacting with robot and a hololens, you will get a $10 Amazon gift card! Sign up here
We need your help to review scholarship applications!
We need YOU to help review scholarship applications for incoming students this fall. Click the link for more details!
Your Mines Library is Preserving Government Information
As preservation stewards, Arthur Lakes Library supports American democracy now and in the future. Click here to learn more!
Campus Events
Come tour the new construction at The Village at Mines Park!
Residence Life is hosting weekly site tours through spring semester for students, faculty, and staff.
Free Date Night by Mines Peer Ed! MZ Atrium 2/13 6:30-8:30pm
RSVP with the link above by TOMORROW! Bring a romantic partner or a friend to have a free Italian dinner with fun activities!
Innov8x YMCA of the Rockies Choose Your Challenge- $5k pot
Feb.20th, 4 pm, McNeil Hall 313 for Problem Framing session. AI or Sustainability will be focus areas. Join us!
Join the Trefny Center to celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary
Save the Date! April 9 - RSVP now to our luncheon celebration with giveaways, activities, and guest speakers.
Mindful Monday - Today at noon
Today's Mindful Monday will be led by Roel Snieder and begin at 12:00 noon in the Boettcher Room in the Library.
Mines Museum Valentine's Day Popup Shop!
Stop by our pop-up shop at the student center atrium and show your Valentine how much they rock <3
Teach@Mines Career Fair - TODAY
Please join us today in Marquez Atrium at 5p. No matter where you are in your thinking about teaching, this event is for you!
TOMORROW: The Space Gal lands at Mines!
Emily Calandrelli shares the importance of empathetic and influential science communication tomorrow evening.
Webinar - Managing Methane: Technology and Markets - 2/12
Payne Institute presents Managing Methane: Technology and Markets in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
New Technology Training Website Launch
Check out IT’s new website with technology training resources to enhance your digital proficiencies.
Take the Spring Career Days survey for your chance to WIN!
We want to hear from you! Take the quick Career Days survey by March 14th for your chance to win a prize.
Introducing Cohort - Meet new people on your campus
Take a personality quiz and meet 5 new strangers over dinner every Wednesday night.
Club Meetings
Make Birdhouses with Circle K
Join us at 6pm in Brown W375 this Thursday 2/13 to make Birdhouses for Fresh Check Day!
Academic Lectures
ME Seminar Series - Dr. Peter Le
Application of a Coactivation Index to Evaluate Complex Movements of the Neck
MME Ansell Lecture Seminar on 2/13 at 4pm in Hill Hall 202
Dr. Elizabeth Opila, University of Virginia - Oxide Stability in High Temperature Water Vapor
Physics colloquium 2/11/25, 4pm, CTLM102
JiHyun Kim, University of Utah, "Investigations into the Mysteries of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays by the Telescope Array"
Athletics and Rec Sports
Pull Up Workshop 2/24 5pm
Pull Up Workshop will help you learn how to get your 1st pull-up, fine tune technique, & can learn advanced skills.
Every Oredigger
Feel safe & supported - Sexual & Reproductive Wellness Fair!
Join us TODAY from 2-5pm in the Student Center Ballrooms for snacks (cupcakes!), resources, and free STI testing.
Take some time to destress. Order a Balanced Box.
Get quick and specific information on campus resources, a box of swag, and tools to create healthy habits.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Employee and Benefits News
Q&A Session for Healthcare Premium Co-Share
You are invited to attend a session hosted by Finance and HR leadership about the Mines healthcare premium co-share.
Important Deadlines
University of Nicosia - $750 Fall 25 Study Abroad Discount
Receive a $750 discount off your program fee if you apply to the University of Nicosia by March 1!
Campus Announcements
2/13 Grad and Postdoc Workshop: IP and Copyright (On Zoom)
Learn to navigate IP laws as creators & users of information, including reuse of copyrighted material in your theses
Blaster Beanie Baby Giveaway for Mines Peer Listening
Need to talk? We’re here for you. The first 10 people to schedule a Peer Listening meeting will get a blaster beanie baby.
Campus Events
Bagels/Coffee | Green Solvents & Solvent Recycling | F 11/12
Come for a short presentation and discussion on selecting green solvents and solvent recycling from chemistry grad students
Build Your Communication and Networking Confidence!
VIP is excited to host our 4th Annual Professional Development Symposium next month!
Community Engagement Opportunities in Colombia - Monday 2/10
You are INVITED to an info session on community engagement opportunities in Colombia, presented by Professor Juan Lucena
Craft & Sip at the Mines Museum!
Bring a friend or special someone (or yourself!) for an evening of crafting, drinks, and after-hours museum time!
Mines Museum Valentine's Day Popup Shop Opens Today!
Come by the Student Center Atrium between 10am - 3pm to shop for your Valentine!
Sign Up to be a GRADS Judge!
Support your graduate students and department as a judge for GRADS! Networking opportunities, workshops, and free food!
Stay Super Safe Over Super Bowl Weekend with Peer Education!
Come join us TODAY to test your knowledge about standard alcohol drink sizes, play trivia, and get a free n/a beverage.
Teach@Mines Career Fair - Feb 10
Please join us on Mon, Feb 10 at 5p. No matter where you are in your thinking about teaching, this event is for you!
TODAY! Writing Center Workshop: McBride Applications
Join consultants from The Writing Center to work on your application for the Mcbride Honors Program (Due February 14th).
Volunteer for the High School Programming Competition (HSPC)
Help inspire students to explore programming by helping with Mines' HSPC! Sign up to volunteer and make a difference!
Club Meetings
Fencing Club Meeting Saturday 10:00-12:00am in the Rec Gym
Join us for some casual fencing. Our meetings are open to everyone. No equipment or experience needed!
MRC Meeting 2/11 - Mining History of Golden
Rockhounding meeting Tuesday in Berthoud 206, 6-7pm. Come learn about the history of mining in and around Golden!
WEE Galentines Event!
Join women in EE for a coloring event in BBW250 from 5-6pm on Thursday, February 13th!
Every Oredigger
Feel safe & supported - Sexual & Reproductive Wellness Fair!
Join us Monday, Feb 10, from 2-5pm in the Student Center Ballrooms for snacks (cupcakes!), resources, and free STI testing.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Important Deadlines
Student Employee of the Year Nomination-Deadline Approaching
If you supervise an AWESOME student employee, recognize their contribution! Nominate them for Student Employee of the Year!
Campus Announcements
Nominate a Student for the Undergraduate Student Government!
Do you know a student who would be an awesome member of the Undergraduate Student Government? Please fill out this form.
Campus Events
BP Panel on Careers in Energy Trading - 2/11, 3:30-5 PM
Learn about BP's early career and internship opportunities in Trading, Supply, and Shipping. Petroleum Hall, 2/11, 3:30-5PM
Brothers Rooted in Excellence: Crafting Your Future
Professional Development Session facilitated by the Mines Career Center
Free Date Night by Mines Peer Ed! MZ Atrium 2/13 6:30-8:30pm
RSVP with the link above by 2/11!!! Bring a romantic partner or a friend to have a free Italian dinner with fun activities!
Gilman Scholarship Information Session
A session about the Gilman Scholarship, that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad.
Mines Hillel: Storytelling Havdalah
Join us February 8th, 6 - 8 pm for havdalah. We'll have dinner and hear great Jewish stories from a professional storyteller.
Send a Singing Valentines with A Capella @ Mines!
Buy a live singing valentines for your peers, profs, special someone’s, and anyone in between! Stop by student plaza to buy!
Teach@Mines Career Fair - Feb 10
Please join us on Mon, Feb 10 at 5p. No matter where you are in your thinking about teaching, this event is for you!
Transfer Student Association Social
Take a break and get some free food with TSA! From 4-6 in BE 243.Friday,February 7th
Upcoming seminar: "Navigating Path to Scholarly Recognition"
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
US House Committee on Natural Resources Hearing - today 8am
Please join Payne Institute Dr. Director Morgan Bazilian testifying to the US House Committee on Natural Resources
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
TODAY: Offer Evaluation & Negotiation Workshop for Students
Learn what makes a job offer, and how assess salary and negotiate. Food provided!
Club Meetings
ASCE Meeting Friday 2/7 at 12PM – Hill Hall 202
Come learn more about ASCE and Horrocks. Food will be served.
NOBE Mines Chapter Meeting
Join us at our monthly chapter meeting to learn about NOBE Mines opportunities, and upcoming activities/events. FOOD PROVIDED
Robotics Club Showcase
Come join the Robotics Club for free food and cool robots on Friday!
Academic Lectures
AMS Colloquium:Dr.Christian Parkinson on 2/7 at 3pm in CH143
The Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation of Optimal Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
ME Seminar Series - Dr. Peter Le
Application of a Coactivation Index to Evaluate Complex Movements of the Neck
Athletics and Rec Sports
Home Mines Wrestling Dual! Friday, February 7th 6pm in Volk Gymnasium!
Play EA Sports FC 25, Overwatch, Rocket League, & More
Visit the Esports Lab: 12 gaming PCs, Xbox Series X w/ 4 controllers, & 25 games. Directions, games, & more on our website
Every Oredigger
Free condoms and resources. Order a Blast-Off Box.
Get quick and specific information on campus resources, a box of swag, and tools to create healthy habits.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Employee and Benefits News
Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony Invitation
Human Resources and Ace Council are pleased to invite you to this year’s Classified Employee Recognition Breakfast.
Q&A Session for Healthcare Premium Co-Share
You are invited to attend a session hosted by Finance and HR leadership about the Mines healthcare premium co-share.
Important Deadlines
Clubs/Orgs: Submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo!
Attention all Clubs/Orgs!! The deadline to submit your Prospector Yearbook Photos is February 14th!
Order Your Prospector Yearbook Today!
Preserve this year's highlights and memories while helping guarantee every senior gets a free yearbook at graduation!
Spring '25 Graduates: Submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo!
Graduating in the Spring? The deadline to submit your Prospector Yearbook Photo is February 14th!
Campus Announcements
Birthday Boxes: Celebrate Your 21st Birthday with Us!
Is your 21st birthday in February? Get a birthday box full of coupons and info to help you have a great 21st.
Blaster Beanie Baby Giveaway for Mines Peer Listening
Need to talk? We’re here for you. The first 10 people to schedule a Peer Listening meeting will get a blaster beanie baby.
OPT Workshop TODAY
Join Sarah from ISSS on February 5th from 6:00-7:30 pm for an overview of the OPT process and tips for a smooth application.
Sustainability Tip of the Week – Recycle Like A Champ
Recycle like a champ during Super Bowl with these tips
Campus Events
#idigmines Giving Day is tomorrow!
Join the campus wide effort to support your favorite causes on February 6!
#idigmines Giving Day is tomorrow!
Join the campus-wide effort to support your favorite causes on February 6!
Becoming a Competitive Applicant: Letters of Rec
Attendees will come away with the understanding of how they can get the most out of their letters of recommendation.
Becoming a Competitive Applicant: Statement of Purpose
In this workshop, Ashley Weibel shares strategies for writing effective statements of purpose.
Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer
Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer - FRIDAY MEETING
Donuts/Coffee | Chemists Who Code | Fri Feb 7 10-11 CO 137
Open to all chem-adjacent (matsci, qbe, cbe, meche, etc.) grad, ugrad and faculty with an interest in scientific programming.
Funding Opportunities for Study Abroad: Upcoming Event
Join the Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships and the Office of Global Education to learn about study abroad funding
Latine MCA Corazones y Creaciones: Valentines Day Tarjetas
Come DIY Valentines Day cards on February 12th in the Starzer Welcome Center Wagner Conference Room from 12:30pm-2:00pm.
Mines in Ireland Q & A
Interested in taking MATH213 or MEGN200 in Ireland? Join us for a Q & A (and pizza) on this summer's opportunity.
Performance Under Pressure
Learn about harnessing stress to your advantage, and strategies for when the pressure feels like too much.
Resonance Music Talent Show First Auditions!
Fri Feb 7th will be the first of two audition days for our Talent Show in March. Metals Hall from 5-9pm!!! More info in link!
SASA Game Night
Join SASA at our general meeting this Thursday for a night of icebreakers and Jeopardy! Snacks and chai will be provided.
Teach@Mines Career Fair - Feb 10
Please join us on Mon, Feb 10 at 5p. No matter where you are in your thinking about teaching, this event is for you!
Upcoming seminar:"How to Get the Most Out of Letters of Rec"
Office of Undergraduate Research's Emerging Scholar Seminars discuss topics of interest to undergraduate research at Mines
ZIME Cafe Takeover!
Join us at ZIME Café for Saucy's Southern BBQ Takeover Tonight for dinner!
Career/Professional Development Opportunities
I Dig Money Lunch n' Learn: Salary Smarts
Enjoy free lunch while learning tips and tricks for negotiating your first job offer on Feb. 12 at noon
Wildlife Sightings Survey (1-2 min)
Please take this short survey on wildlife sightings in Golden to inform our Thorson Honors research project!
Club Meetings
Anime Club Meeting - MASHLE!!!!!!!
Join the Mines Anime Club in Alderson 151 at 6:30pm every Wednesday to enjoy anime of all genres together!
Are you a leader interested in space? Join WoAA's board!
Want to help advance women in aerospace? Curious about getting involved in leadership? Join become a WoAA officer!
Fencing Club Meeting Tonight 6:00-8:00pm in Avery Room
Join us for some casual fencing. Our meetings are open to everyone. No equipment or experience needed!
SWiG Kickoff!
Come hang out at the first SWiG meeting of the semester! Rock painting & free BBQ provided
WoAA Tie Dye Night
Come together with WoAA in a fun social night to tie dye bandanas. Snacks provided!
Academic Lectures
CBE Shell Seminar Series – Tianquan Lian, Emory University
Tianquan Lian, presents his talk titled “In Situ Probe of Structure and Dynamics at Metal electrode/Electrolyte Interface..."
MME Ansell Lecture Seminar on 2/6 at 4pm in Hill Hall 202
Dr. Xun Liu, Ohio State University - Power Ultrasound in Materials Behavior and Advanced Manufacturing Processes
QBE Seminar Series - Dr. Terry Lowe- 2/5 11am AH140
Innovations for Human Health via Engineering of Biotic/Abiotic Interfaces
Athletics and Rec Sports
Play 25 Xbox and PC Games at the Esports Lab
Visit the Esports Lab, equipped with 12 gaming stations, an Xbox Series X, and 25 games. Click here for the list!
Every Oredigger
Mental Health First Aid training on Tuesday, February 18
Better understand & respond to signs of mental health & substance abuse challenges in this full-day training. Lunch provided!